Venous disorders are chronic illnesses that will continue to progress and lead to complications, if left untreated. The earlier a patient starts adequate treatment, the better the recovery chances are and the more beautiful the results will be.
Every person is different which is why we always compile an individual treatment program for each patient. A combination of diverse methods often leads to the best effects in the long-term. We generally try to apply treatments under local anesthesia so that our patient can leave the clinic immediately post-treatment. Thanks to the latest technologies, the treatment of veins nowadays is pain-free, unproblematic and quick.
We are specialized in
Comprehensive information can be found on (only in German).
We understand that undergoing an aesthetic treatment needs to be carefully considered. We will therefore be happy to answer all your questions as part of a free and non-binding initial consultation. Don't hesitate to make an appointment today in any of our top aesthetic clinics.
In case you prefer a brief online preliminary clarification before the very consultation, feel free to contact us by email. For patients who are not very mobile or live in distant places, we also offer Skype consultations directly with Dr. Linde.
No matter which way you want to reach us – we look forward to hearing or reading from you!